self discovery

2014: goals + resolutions

Is it February already?  Well I guess we’re one month down, but the good news is I have 11 more to accomplish my goal list :).   I wouldn’t be staying true to myself anyways if I wasn’t fashionably late.


More “me” time

You know.. those moments when you just shut out the rest of the world.  I want to be lost in a book, or my own thoughts, or in the treasures of an antique shop.  I want to wander and feel free, and not feel guilty for doing so.  Time is a precious thing, just as much is how we spend it.

make time for yourself


Prioritize my life better

There’s a theme here: time management.  Something I used to be so good at, and now I’ve become better at procrastinating.    There’s no better time than the present.  I know now that if I want to feel refreshed, I need to be truly devoted to what I’m doing in that moment – whether its work or play.   This process of prioritizing for me includes journal-ing, scheduling, and developing better organizational skills.


Finish my design licensing exam

It will be two years this fall since I passed the first two sections of the NCIDQ exam… I’m so close, I just need to take that last portion!  Time to hit the books and  pass the test in October.


Take on a new hobby

What shall I try… learn the guitar?  gardening? pottery class?  Hmmm… possibilities are endless.   Time to make those Pinterest pins a reality.


Eat healthier

This is a must for me this year.  Not just because I want to lose those 5lbs 2013 stuck me with, but also because of a little thing called Silent Reflux.  It’s a type of  condition similar to GERD, but is concentrated in the throat area.  Not to get all Dr. Oz on you, but it has literally gotten so bad that I cough after every meal, and every morning I wake up with the taste of acid in my mouth and/or a sore throat.  A high fat diet can aggravate the symptoms (ta da – that must be it),  so it is believed a low fat/low acid diet can provide relief of symptoms for some people.    The thing is, a lot of the great things in life I’m supposed to keep to a bare minimum: most fruits, beef/pork/bacon, chocolate, alcohol, soft drinks, milk/cheese/dairy, etc. etc. etc.   But I’m proud to say I’m on week 3 of eating healthier and I’m already feeling better.  Of course I allow myself a couple cheat meals a week so I can have my cheeseburgers and pizza (I mean, how else would I survive!?)


Run a 5k

This was on last year’s goal list but this time I can GUARANTEE I’m doing this one this year! Why?  Because I just signed up for New Braunfels Doggie Dash.  That means the whole fam will be running together in March!  Let the Couch to 5k program begin. (PS. If anyone has any tips or workout plan for someone such as I that doesn’t regularly work out, your advice is welcome)


Make a difference in someone’s life

I want to start giving back and volunteering.  I want to help people,  inspire, and encourage.  I realize this one is kind of vague, but I’m not sure what outlet this will be yet.

I want to do so much more than just visit this world


What are you determined to accomplish in 2014?


(images link back to their source)


2013 report card

Happy New Year!  I hope your holidays were filled with joy, delicious treats, and treasured family & friends!  🙂

Every January to me is new beginning – a time to reflect and plan.   I first like to look back on the previous year’s accomplishments and shortcomings before making my goals for the next year.   So remember that little goal list I posted last year around this time?  Well time to pull it out of the wood works and see how I actually did…


Listen To Myself For Once    PASS

I left a job I was not happy at, and that alone would tell me I succeeded in this aspiration.  I also took a job that is more entrepreneurial and out of the box, which by the way, I’m LOVING.   I’ve realized over the last year that deep down only I know whats best for me, no one else.  And that voice is one I have to listen to.  It’s kinda funny how you can know something your whole life and still have to relearn to apply it.

what's good for your soul


Be More Spiritual   FAIL

I could be doing a lot better at this one.  I think I’ve improved  my stress level but there’s still a lot of progress to be made in terms of how I spend my time.


Own my Own Piece of Earth     PASS

We did buy a home earlier this year, and it is everything I thought it could be and a whole lot more… of unexpected pop up work.  But that’s fine.  We locked in a great interest rate and we absolutely love our new neighborhood.  We are on the way to making our home uniquely ours.  It feels good only throwing 75% of our payment away instead of the full 100%.  🙂



Go to Europe    FAIL

Geesh,  let’s put this one on 2014’s list yet again.   We need to just up and do it!!  I’m not getting any younger here.


Run a 5K    FAIL

This really is not that hard of a goal…and yet I still haven’t accomplished it.  Crazy.  Well this will have to change!  Who else is with me on the Couch to 5k program?!


Live a Healthier Lifestyle    BEYOND FAIL

I would love to say I totally nailed this one….but not so much.  I still eat way too many cheeseburgers, slices of pizza, and sit around much more than I should.  And I’ve gained like 5lbs…. so yes, massive fail.  But I kind of am forced to change my ways this year (I’ll get into that more in my next post: 2014 goals and resolutions).



Develop & Maximize my Unique Talents    BARELY PASS

The fact that I have picked up a paint brush again, started journal-ing and writing, and also reading whole books (other than House Beautiful mag) has told me that I am going in the right direction.  Now it’s taking the knowledge I’ve acquired, the countless hours thinking and planning, and turning it into a reality!


So I’m 3 for 7.  Not bad.  How did you guys do last year?  What are you putting at the top of your list for 2014?

this is my life. i get 1. i’m not settling for less.

Why hello there, my dearest readers!

I realized I’ve fallen off the map in recent months.  Life came at me in full force.  I’m talking decisions, changes, and new beginnings.

I’m so excited to say that I started a new position as a designer for the very talented Michelle Tumlin in Austin!  Since I have the hardest time with change, it’s been an adjustment, but also such a giant step in the right direction for my career.

I try to keep the blog a venue for positivity and inspiration, so really only close friends and family know the struggles that were going on with my previous job.  What started out as small frustrations festered into resentment I was carrying around into my life outside of work.  Each day I was coming home from my job extremely frustrated and exhausted, feeling directionless and somewhat used.   I find this so ironic.  Because in a creative field of work, getting burned out totally robs you of your gift to provide unique and interesting solutions…. and well, without those, what can you offer?

If you know me at all, you know I’ve always been a firm believer in setting your standards high and going for your dreams.  I felt it came to a point that I was still preaching this to others, but then wasn’t living it myself.  I had been continuing to get up and go to my job, but I  wasn’t even sure why.  The problem is when you put up with crap everyday, you get comfortable with it.    It lowers your self-esteem and your expectations.  You start to believe that you will not find better and/or don’t deserve better.  And let me tell you friends, this is TOXIC.  Not only to your career, but it starts to effect the rest of  your life too.  Deep down, you know what’s right for you.  If it’s not right – it’s not right.  Never just settle.  In a relationship. In a job.  In life.   If someone does not support you, like you for who you are, or appreciate your talents, then LEAVE.  It took me a long time to realize this in this situation.  I realized I wasn’t being true to myself.  I was shutting out my inner voice.  Don’t shut out yours.

steve jobs quote

Today begins my 4th week at the new job, and I’m so pleased to say I feel like I have my life back.  I have more energy, can think and formulate thoughts better (on most occasions!!), and wake up each day with things to look forward to.   I can’t wait to make this blog as great as I always knew it could be!  I’m going to be bringing back segments on the regular (Color Story, Design Obsession, Thursday Thoughts, etc) and also throwing a couple new ones in there as well!  This isn’t just my creative outlet, it’s yours too.

I’m glad to be back.  If you’re reading this right now then you haven’t given up on me yet!!! Hahaha.  Thanks for being a loyal supporter of the blog!  Now we have a lot to catch up on….. 😉