
garden lust

It seems like the rest of the world is on the brink of going back to school or breaking out the fall boots, and out here in Texas-land we are at the peak of our summer heat.  My grass has turned 50 shades of brown as the temps climb over 100 degrees here each day.  Rain? What’s that?  I’m not sure, because we haven’t seen any in months.  🙂 Neither have my poor plants.  I struggle to keep them alive as it is, and this drought is not helping.

ferns. ferns. ferns.


So, on this lovely Monday morning, I have been seeking out inspiration in the form of beautiful exteriors and greenery.  I’m gushing green gardens,  pining perfect patios, and lusting luscious landscapes. (say that 3 times fast!)

Would you like to join me as I daydream?

Patio via Lonny Mag

This is so fun.  Borderline crazy, but fun.

modern colorful desert landscape

Wouldn’t it be so awesome if your patio looked like this?

Foras Studio -Urban Garden in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn

Or this?

Foras Studio, Carroll Gardens


Really loving this landscape with cactuses mixed in:

Isabel Marant storefront landscape (photo credit- Laure Joliet)

Does anybody out there have a herb garden? Are they easy to grow?  I really like this vertical style on I saw on Pinterest:

herb garden


My goal for next spring is to do our walkway with large cement blocks, river rocks, and desert plants and grasses…. kinda like this type of look.

modern landscaping detail

I wonder if these planter boxes are hard to make….?

planter boxes!


I’ll take this lovely metal vertical planter!

UrbanMettle Vertical Planter with House Numbers (on Etsy)

Okayyyy time for us to get back to work!

Have a great week! xo