Cool Homes

Lake Michigan modern farmhouse

Lake Michigan is one of my soft spots.  My memories drift back to being 19, young and in love, spending summer nights on the shore. Giant dunes and water for days, a coastline that could be mistaken for the ocean.  It was a time before social media, smartphones, and up-to-the-second updates.  Maybe we were naive to the world around us, but time just seemed to stop.  And in those moments is when you feel most alive.

When I saw this project on Lonny a couple weeks back, it hit that soft spot. Carefree and breezy, this modern farmhouse is just simply beautiful.

living room at the lake - Lonny Mag     Modern Farmhouse by Linc Thelan

Love all of the white and coastal decor that isn’t too in-your-face beachy.

Lake inspired dining room

Modern Farmhouse Kitchen

Modern Farmhouse Bath

I miss the easy lake life, the simplicity of youth.  I think that’s why I love this project so much.

Coastal bath vintage oars Pool Bath

For more pics, visit the very talented Linc Thelen’s website.

treehouses that will blow your mind

I grew up in a house surrounded on 3 sides by a forest.  As a child of about 8 or 9, I remember taking a hammer, nails, and a few boards into the woods to try to create a hangout for me and my friends.  I had a small sledge hammer (haha, clearly not the right thing to build any type of structure) so it didn’t pan out too well.  I think I got about one step secured – just enough to pull myself up on a branch and sit there.  I miss childhood most because of the way your imagination would run wild.  You just think you can do anything at that age, and it’s pretty magical.  I never ended up with a tree house, but it was a cool place to escape to.  I have some pretty amazing memories  exploring those trails.

Here’s some eye candy in the form of some amazing tree houses.  These creative structures are like a childhood dream come true.  Happy Earth Day!

Boho Home

Tree House - Kenneth Wyner Photography

Sustainable Bamboo Tree House in Bali Bamboo Tree House Living Area


Crystal River Tree House - Green Line Architects


Tree House by Peter Bahouth

treehouse bedroom!

beautiful boho modern home in California

It’s all going modern in the design world these days.  Everywhere you look it’s crisp white walls, clean lines, geometric rugs, and color pops in the pillows.  And while it’s absolute eye-candy, sometimes its hard to imagine someone actually living there.  Do they have dogs? Or kids?? Do they sit in those metal chairs for longer than 15 minutes?? They must clean. Every. Single. Day. The questions just seem to just burn a hole in my brain.  Because as much as I am about beauty, a design has to be comfortable and functional, too.

owens & davis entry hall

So what’s the answer to a practical modern home that is chic and cozy?  The bohemian modern look, of course.  It’s stylish yet feels lived in.  I can’t get enough of the natural, understated beauty.

The ever-so-talented Becki Owens and Nicole Davis posted this project on Instagram awhile back, and it’s like the angels were singing out of the heavens.  Featured on Domaine Home, this amazing California home marries modern style with everyday comfort.

owens and davis ecclectic living

owens & davis boho living room

I could totally see myself hanging out here. Reading a magazine.  Basking in all that natural light.

owens and davis livingowens & davis eclectic living room view 2

And this kitchen! Simple, white, and gorgeous.  The rug really adds a fun color pop.

owens + davis kitchen

bench with boho accent pillows

The warm woods, natural textures, and rich accent colors really breathe life into each room.

simple breakfast nook owens and davis ecclectic dining room owens and davis modern boho

For more inspiration, follow Becki and Nicole on Instagram.  They really have created some amazing spaces, in many different design styles!

(Photo Credit: Owens + Davis via Domaine Home)

emerald city

Homepolish- Kelly Oxford's Palm Springs Home

I’m a sucker for anything that is crisp white or mid-century.  So it comes as no surprise that I was instantly obsessed with writer Kelly Oxford’s Palm Springs residence.  Add in some natural fiber rugs, pops of emerald green, and some plant life, and I’m all in.

Homepolish - Kelly Oxford and Orlando Soria

Homepolish Designer Orlando Soria (aka Emily Henderson’s old right hand man) was the brainchild behind this lovely project.  Truly, he is a design rock star and I am always excited to see his work because you never know what his creative next move might be.  He’s fearless when it comes to design, a trait he definitely shares with Emily.  And if you follow him on Instagram you know he’s also pretty hilarious.


West Elm Lamp - Homepolish

Loving this shot and contrast between the soft neutrals and bold emerald.

Homepolish - Accessories at Kelly Oxford's Home

What a great idea to stagger the 2 coffee tables.  Great way to fill the huge space between the sofas but not in a massive, cluttered way.Homepolish- Kelly Oxford's Living Room



Homepolish Kelly Oxford's Dining Room

Beautiful kilim rug.  And the copper bar stools really give the bar some bling.

Homepolish Kelly Oxford's Bar


Happy Tuesday!!

(All photos courtesy of Homepolish.  Each photo links back to the original source.)

moroccan retreat

You know whats funny?  I was cleaning out my drafts folder and found this rough draft of a post I was going to do back in 2012, but never finished!   I still think it is very much postworthy and relevant, so I will share it with you over 2 years later!


I have this immense fascination with Morocco, so of course when I saw this delightful residence in the May issue of Lonny, I was ecstatic.  Welcome to the Moroccan abode of author and activist, Maryam Montague.   (You may be familiar with her book Marrakesh by Design.)  Keep scrolling for some major eye candy!

moroccan stair details

This home is the ultimate balance of old and new.  It is Moroccan-modern perfection.  You know what helps?  Having an architect husband.  Together Maryam and her husband Chris were able to create their dream family home in the perfect central location for work and play.

 moroccan stairs

Moroccan dining room - Lonny, May 2012  moroccan living room

I’m loving the mix of modern and vintage Moroccan design elements.  Such a vivid collection from a well traveled family and a  sweet reflection of the city she has grown to love.


Living Area in a Moroccan home - Lonny Mag (May 2012)



Totally crushing all of the vintage light fixtures!!

moroccan bedroom - May 2012 Lonny Mag

moroccan bedroom

And this headboard is genius!

morrocan bedroom details

Can you even imagine how fabulous the parties would be on this patio??

moroccan home outdoor

moroccan home exterior

Hey, it may be from 2012 but you could have told me it was in print yesterday and I would have believed it.  The moral of this story: Great design is timeless, remember that friends. And also do not wait until tomorrow (or 2 years from tomorrow) to do what could be done today!


(Photo Credit: Lonny Mag, all images link back to their source)