Design Education


So here’s some life updates:

Back in September, I posted about taking the first 2 sections of the NCIDQ Interior Design Licensing Exam…and guess what?  I PASSED!! So excited – and to be completely honest – sooooo relieved.  Now I can take my time to relearn hand drafting and prepare for the last day of testing.  Not sure if I’ll take it this Spring… we’ll see.

i passed

Today marks 9 years since my hubby & I first started dating.  We were 19 then –  but feels like just yesterday!  Literally, we’ve spent almost a 1/3 of our lives together! Haha so weird to think of it like that.  It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s been worth it.  I love him more each day.

photo 2

I’m still waiting for fall to come.  I think we had one cool week so far…but then it warmed back up into the low 80’s last weekend.  Even for Texas that is unseasonably warm in December!    But we have been blessed with such a beautiful, warm fall this year.

This past weekend we attempted our first Christmas family photo shoot.   We found this cool walking bridge near our house recently and decided it would be a great spot.  It’s called the Faust Street Bridge and its original structure dates back to 1887!   I love it.  Most of the shots were pretty silly, but we did get a few keepers. Camera tripod = best $30 I’ve spent.   Here’s a sneak peek …

faust bridge smaller sizeIMG_1293 copy

guadalupe river smaller size

.family smaller size

us smaller size

PS. I’m not anywhere near ready for Christmas.  I think I have a grand total of one present off my list, and no tree up yet.   How about ya’ll?

hello october.

Well, I’m glad to say that the test that has consumed my life for the last couple months (aka the interior design licensing exam, NCIDQ) is now officially OVER!!

This past Friday, I took the first half of what could potentially be the most important knowledge based test of my life!  A couple of tidbits: #1) That sucker was hard as F.  #2)  I went to bed at 8pm on Friday if that gives you any idea how exhausted/brain-dead/studied out I was.

That being said, I’m glad its over.

( In 12 weeks I’ll find out if I passed or not…and then it may be another studyfest for me.  Plus, I still have the other half to take. )

For those of you that may take the test in the future, here’s a quick summary:  (Please feel free to message me if you have any questions about it!!)  They only offer it twice a year, and you become eligible to take it after receiving your Bachelors from an accredited school + 3,520 hours working under a licensed professional (UNLESS you began any of your design experience prior to 2008, then you can count your hours under any design professional).  The exam is broken into 3 sections that span 2 full days.  The first day is 2 multiple choice exams.  The 2nd day is what they call the practicum, which is putting all your knowledge and experience together into a full 8 hour hand drafted project.  Since I’m beyond rusty at hand drafting, I figured I would just knock out the first 2 sections and go from there.  Wellllll….. they pretty much knocked me out! haha.  Think 300 questions about building construction/structure, fire codes, architectural drafting, etc etc etc.  (So to anyone that thinks all an interior designer does is play with paint swatches – please, do your homework.)

On the drive home, I thought about all the things I could have done differently.  I even started frantically looking through my notes trying to see if I could figure out what ones I got right and wrong. (I can’t begin to imagine what kind of road hazard I was)  As soon as I began to get frustrated, I brought myself back down to reality: this is only a test.  Life will go on.  If I fail, it doesn’t mean I suck – I can retake it!

Then I came home to this beautiful orchid and a nice card – which totally made my night/weekend/life! (thanks Hunny!)

The rest of this weekend was very relaxing.  We celebrated Nate’s birthday- as best as we could since he has a stomach bug.  We sat around and watched football and I made him homemade Mac & Cheese and Asparagus Cheddar soup.  🙂  Overall, life is good.  I’m excited to start blogging again more.  Not sure where September went, but I’m ready for October – and to start enjoying this lovely fall weather!