Something to think about

Earth Day, Everyday: green tips to integrate into your everyday life

(Photo Credit: Juul07 Photography)

I remember when I was in Elementary School, we would celebrate Earth Day by each receiving a tree that we could go out and plant.  Looking back, it was great and all, but I wish they really gave us insight on ways we could really help the environment.   There are so many little things we can do in our everyday life that make a greater impact.

A lot of people still (sadly) think that being “green” is for tree huggers or environmental fanatics.  Really, keeping our world beautiful is the responsibility for EACH OF US who live here.  Just as we take care of our shiny new car or iPhone or home, we need to take care of what is outdoors as well.

(Photo Credit: © Irene Suchocki, via her blog, Eye Poetry)

Here’s some ideas to make the world a better place:
  • Begin recycling if you haven’t already.  Even if it’s just every milk jug, soda can, and cereal box.  You are keeping these items out of landfills.
  • Reuse paper and plastic bags
  • Carpool
  • Turn off the lights, computers, TV’s, etc when you are not using them
  • Open windows instead of using the A/C
  • Use natural daylight instead of lights
  • Minimize the amount you waste by not buying things you don’t need or will not use for long
  • Don’t litter. Ever.
  • Turn your thermostat off when you are not home.
  • Try to buy commonly used items that are biodegradable, like paper plates and disposable silverware.


(Photo Credit: © Ashley Herrin. Grand Teton National Park)

2012: focusing on the “little things”

I can’t believe it’s the beginning of another year!

It seems like, as soon as we hit Jan 1, we begin reflecting on the up’s, down’s, and in-betweens of the last year.  Also, we start looking toward this fresh new year, and all the opportunities that may come with it.   Let’s be real:  It can be an emotional time.   It takes a range of emotions to look back and look forward at the same time.

Instead of wishing you did more in 2011, focus on the next 12 months that lie ahead.   We all make mistakes, miss opportunities, and sometimes focus on the “should haves” – but learning from this is key to our growth.

That being said, of course around this time of year, I make a huge list of goals and things I want to accomplish.  I won’t even bore you with the details… but there is one thing I will tell you:  This year for me is all about the little things.  Staying in touch with friends and family.  Taking a bubble bath.   Driving for no reason until I end up somewhere I haven’t been before.  Giving back.  Taking what free time I have and making it worthwhile.

One thing I’ve realized this past year is how easy it is to overlook these things….and they are some of the best things in life!   I find myself thinking more and more about how our society is always “working”.  We are slaves to our laptops, iphones, etc.  No matter where we go, we take all of our to-do’s, responsibilities, and commitments with us.   And if you crack a smile, then you must not be on task.   (Why so serious????)  Don’t get me wrong – it’s great to be a productive person.  It just seems like people don’t take enough time for themselves anymore to truly enjoy life.   Also, as we get caught up in the day-to-day routine, we forget we each have a purpose.  And it’s not how much money we make or how “successful” we are.  Remember, true success is not just what we do with our lives, but the difference we can make in others’.