my personal mantra for 2015


Here’s a few goals I would like to put out there in the universe for 2015.  I think sharing them makes you more accountable, so let’s do this:

My mantra for this year is to SIMPLIFY.


We live in a very complex world.  There is no doubt about it.  I’m an over-thinker and over-analyzer.  A person who always tries to take on more than they should.  A put-others-before-myself kind of girl.  It’s great.  It’s me.  But I need to simplify how I do things and that thought process behind it.

Other items on the list for this year:

  • Get back to my roots
  • Pass my design licensing exam
  • Be open to creativity and inspiration   (read:  Think outside the box!)

That is all for my little public service announcement.   If you could summarize your ultimate goal into just one word for 2015, what would it be?


What do you think?